V Congresso internazionale di architettura religiosa sacra
Architettura protestante e modernità. Hitos, Transferencias, Perspectivas.
Il programma delle giornate
Mercoledì 23 agosto · Sala d’onore della Casa centrale dell’Università
08.30 h. Accreditations
09.30 h. Opening
Welcome words. Dr. Rodrigo Vidal Rojas
About CIARC. Dr. Esteban Fernández-Cobián
Remarks by the Rector of the University of Santiago de Chile. Dr. Juan Zolezzi Cid
10.30 h. Coffee break
11.00 h. Inaugural lesson. Jeanne H. Kilde University of Minnesota (USA)
Protestant Theologies and the Problem of ‘Sacred Space’:
Divine/Human Relationships in American Churches since 1945
13.00 h. Lunch
15.00 h. Guided visit to the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santiago
17,00 h. Guided visit to the Evangelical Cathedral of Chile
19,00 h. Concert by Coro Madrigalista de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile,
“Madrigales de Claudio Monteverdi” in commemoration of the 450 years
of his birth.
Giovedì 24 agosto · Planetario dell’Università
09.30 h. Master’s lesson. Zorán Vukoszávlyev · BUTE (Hungary)
Space forming a community – community forming a space
Architectural evaluation of idealized form for Protestant Churches
in Europe after 1918
10.30 h. Coffee break
11.00 h. First communications session · Milestones (1)
Christian Michael Seegerer · Universidad Presbiteriana Mackenzie (São Paulo)
Marcone Bezerra Carvalho · Universidad de Los Andes (Santiago de Chile)
Iván San Martín Córdova · Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
12.30 h. Second session of communications · Milestones (2)
Esteban Fernández-Cobián · Universidade da Coruña (Spain)
Eszter Baku, Erzsébet Urbán & Zorán Vukoszávlyev · Faculty of Architecture of Budapest University of
Technology and Economics
Andreea Mihalache · Clemson School of Architecture (USA)
14.00 h. Lunch
16.00 h. Third session of communications · Transfers (1)
Nuria González-Peña · Independent researcher (Spain)
Bernardo Pizarro Miranda · Universidad de Lisboa (Portugal)
Héctor García Escorza · CIMA-UNAM (Mexico)
17.15 h. Coffee break
17.45 h. Fourth session of communications · Transfers (2)
María Diéguez Melo · UNED (Spain)
Diana B. Maggi · Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño, UCALP (Argentina)
Rebeca Medina · Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina)
19.00 h. Round table
Venerdì 25 agosto
09.30 h. Fifth session of communications · Transfers (3)
Andrea Longhi · Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
Noelia Fernández García · Universidad de Oviedo (Spain)
José Fernando Gonçalves · Architect (Portugal)
11.00 h. Coffee break
11.30 h. Sixth communications session · Perspectives (1)
Alberto Sato Kotani, Gabriela Jiménez, Javiera Varas Schumacher
(Universidad Diego Portales, Chile) & Juan Vicente Pantín (Universidad Central de Venezuela)
Márcio Antonio de Lima Junior · Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil)
Éder Beling · Faculdades EST, São Leopoldo (Brasil)
13.00 h. Books presentation
14.00 h. Lunch
16.00 h. Seventh session of communications · Perspectives (2)
Rafael A.García Lozano · Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Spain)
Freddy Bastías Gómez & Pablo Silva Gopfert · Universidad Técnica
Federico Santa María, Valparaíso (Chile)
Rodrigo Vidal Rojas · Universidad de Santiago de Chile
17.00 h. Coffee break
17.30 h. Round table
19.00 h. Closing lesson. Michael J. Crosbie · Faith & Form (USA)
Defining the sacred
20.00 h. Closing ceremony
Sabato, 26 agosto
Architettura sacra a Valparaíso e dintorni
- Chiesa Chiesa dell’Unione, oggi Tempio Presbiteriano (1870)
- Chiesa luterana della Santa Croce, Cerro Concepción (1897)
- Cattedrale di Nostra Signora del Carmen (1910/50)
- Cappella San Alberto Magno (2014)
Domenica 27 agosto
Architettura Sacra a Santiago
- Monastero dei Benedettini, Las Condes (1962/64)
- Cappella dello Spirito Santo, Puente Alto (2006)
- Tempio Bahá’í, Peñalolén (2002/16)
Per ulteriori informazioni: V Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea